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Accession IconSRP200653

Transcriptome changes caused by Tudor-SN mutations in rice seed

Organism Icon Oryza sativa
Sample Icon No Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HiSeq 2000

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One OsTudor-SN mutant, EM1084, carrying E503K point mutation and one associated WT-OsTSN complemented transgenic (pHL8042/EM1084 ) were applied in this study. EM1084 was obtained by TILLING studies ( The E503K mutation site in EM1084 lies within the SN3 domain, while the EM1084 complemented transgenic plant was complemented with the full-length WT OsTSN gene driven by native OsTSN promoter. This mutation results in affecting storage protein mRNA localization and, in turn, with a strong reduction in grain weight and storage protein accumulation. Transcriptome analysis on the dehulled 10-14 days old developing seeds from wild type, EM1084 and pHL8042/EM1084 indicates that partial loss of Tudor-SN function caused the differential expression of storage protein genes and relevant genes involved in several essential biological processes during rice development. Overall design: Total 9 samples were anlyzed, including 3 biological repeats from each genotype,wild type, EM1084 (E503K) and pHL8042/EM1084
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