Improving the yield by modifying plant architecture is key to progressive crop domestication. Here, we show that a 110-kb deletion on the short arm of chromosome 7 promotes the critical transition from semi-prostrate growth and low yield in wild rice (Oryza rufipogon), to erect growth and high yield in Asian cultivated rice (O. sativa). The microdeletion harbors a tandem repeat of seven putative Cys2-His2 zinc-finger genes. Three of these genes regulate the plant architecture in O. rufipogon and are closely linked to the previously identified PROSTRATE GROWTH 1 (PROG1) gene. Therefore, we refer to this locus as RICE PLANT ARCHITECTURE DOMESTICATION (RPAD). Furthermore, a similar but independent 113-kb deletion was detected at the RPAD locus in African cultivated rice. These results indicate that the deletions, coupled with the loss of a tandem repeat of zinc-finger genes, drove the parallel domestication of plant architecture in Asian and African rice.