Glyceollins are inducible defense metabolites (phytoalexins) that belong to the isoflavonoid family of molecules that are biosynthesized in soybean in response to pathogens and some abiotic stresses. Overall design: Glyceollin metabolite accumulation was elicited in Harosoy63 soybean seedlings that were transferred to germination paper saturated with pH 3.0 medium compared to paper saturated with pH 5.8 medium (control) at 9 days after transfer, whereas seedlings transferred to germination paper that was saturated with pH 5.8 medium then allowed to dry for 6 days (dehydration treatment) had reduced glyceollin metabolite levels compared to the control pH 5.8 filter paper that was continuously saturated with medium (not allowed to dry). Media was half-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) salts, 1% sucrose, with MS vitamins.