Elucidating the relative contribution of three serine biosynthesis pathways, i.e. (i) the glycolate pathway, (ii) the phosphorylated pathway and (iii) the glycerate pathway. Overall design: Arabidopsis thaliana plants [Wildtype Col-0 and three mutant lines in Col-0 background: (i) bou (At5g46800), (ii) psp17, (iii) psp18 (both: At1g18640)] were grown in biological triplicates under high CO2 (3000 ppm) for 35 days, 12 hr light / 12 hr dark and then shifted to ambient CO2 24 hours before harvesting. Samples for RNASeq were taken two hours before (“end of night”, EON) and two hours after (“beginning of day”, BOD) the onset of light.