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Accession IconSRP127569

Isolated Iliac Cryptococcosis in an Immunocompetent Patient

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 2 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HiSeq 2500

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Cryptococcal osteomyelitis is an infrequent infection which is usually associated with disseminated cryptococcosis or underlying immunocompromised conditions. Here we described a rare case with isolated iliac cryptococcosis in an immunocompetent patient. Through histological, microbial, and molecular biological examinations, the pathogen was finally identified as C. neoformans VNI genotype, which likely originated from environmental bird droppings. The clinical isolate was hypomelanized but fully virulent in mouse infection model. The patient displayed lower CD4+-T lymphocyte ratio, reduced serum IFN-? and IL-12, and dysregulated transcriptional profile of blood leukocytes compare with healthy host. After surgical excision and 34 weeks' antifungal treatment, the patient got clinical cured. Our study suggested that cryptococcosis development was closely associated with the interaction of fungal agent and host immunity. Accurate diagnosis of bone cryptococcosis depends mainly on histological and fungal examinations. A combination of antifungal agent treatment regimen and surgery were quite effective for resolving bone cryptococcosis. Overall design: mRNA profiles of an Immunocompetent Patient and normal control''s blood were generated by deep sequencing, using Illumina HiSeq 2500
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