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Accession IconSRP119870

Transcriptomic characterization of spl7 and Col-0 ecotypes of Arabidopsis reveals new aspects of Fe-Cu crosstalk

Organism Icon Arabidopsis thaliana
Sample Icon 53 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HiSeq 2000

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Iron (Fe) and copper (Cu) are essential metal micronutrients that are necessary for many redox reactions. The uptake of these metals is tightly regulated in plants. Some redox processes can alternatively use Fe-containing proteins or Cu-containing proteins, depending on nutritional status. Copper deficiency can rescue a Cucumis melo Fe uptake deficient mutant, and Fe deficiency can result in increased accumulation of Cu. However, the system responsible for Fe-deficiency-regulated Cu-uptake is unknown. To understand the genes and gene networks associated with Fe-deficiency regulated Cu uptake and Fe-Cu cross-talk, we conducted transcriptomic profiling of roots and rosettes of spl7 (a Cu uptake deficient mutant in arabidopsis) and Col-0 (WT) grown under Fe, Cu and simultaneous Fe and Cu deficiency conditions. Overall design: We conducted transcriptomic profiling of roots and rosettes of spl7 (a Cu uptake deficient mutant in arabidopsis) and Col-0 (WT) grown under Fe, Cu and simultaneous Fe and Cu deficiency conditions mRNA deep sequencing
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