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Accession IconSRP095120

RNA-Seq transcriptomics and pathway analyses reveal potential regulatory genes and molecular mechanisms in high- and low-feed efficient Nordic dairy cattle

Organism Icon Bos taurus
Sample Icon No Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HiSeq 2500

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The study investigated gene expression patterns in liver tissue to understand the biological functions of genes that are potentially involved in controlling / regulating feed efficiency in Nordic dairy cattle. Overall design: Comparison of liver transcriptome from 2 cattle breeds (Holstein and Jersey), 2 levels of feed efficiency (FE) (High and low), 2 types of feed diet (Control (C) and High concentrate diet (HC)). Within each breed, there are 5 High FE and 5 Low FE cows. Notes: each of the animals received both of the diet (C and HC) after conditioning period (14 to26 days intervals). One cow from Holstein was dropped from the study because of the unsuccessful liver biopsy sampling.
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