This study evaluates the transcriptome of Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings growing in the presence of a 35-member bacterial SynCom under different phosphate availability Overall design: Arabidopsis seeds (wild-type Col-0 and the mutants phr1 and phr1 phl1) were germinated on Johnson medium containing 0.5 % sucrose with 1 mM Pi (in the form of KH2PO4) for 7 days in the vertical position. Plants were then transferred to 50 µM Pi (low) or 625 µM Pi (high) media (without sucrose) alone or with the Synthetic Community at 10E5 c.f.u / mL for another 12 days before harvesting. Plants were grown in a growth chamber in a 15-h dark/9-h light regime (21°C day /18°C night). The experiment includes a total of ten biological replicates for Col-0 and phr1 and six for phr1 phl1 from five independent experiments