This study evaluates whether different pre-treatments (+Pi, -Pi and +Phi) influences the phosphate starvation transcriptional response triggered by a bacterial synthetic community in Arabidopsis seedlings. Overall design: Arabidopsis seeds (wild-type Col-0 and the mutants phf1 and phr1 phl1) were germinated on Johnson medium containing 0.5 % sucrose with 1 mM Pi (+Pi), 5 µM (-Pi) or 1 mM Phosphite (+Phi). After seven days, plants were transferred to 50 µM Pi (low Pi) or 625 µM Pi (high Pi) media (without sucrose) alone or with the Synthetic Community at 10E5 c.f.u / mL for another 12 days before harvesting. Plants were grown in a growth chamber in a 15-h dark/9-h light regime (21°C day /18°C night). The experiment includes a total of four biological replicates from two independent experiments