A set of rice landraces or varieties were collected by Shanghai Agrobiological Gene Center (SAGC) as a natural population in the breeding program of drought resistant rice. The experimental fields for each rice species were split into three replication plots. Both the well-irrigated and drought plot are watered, until the plant size is uniform and the plant number of tiller of rice is more than 50% plants. Leafs of the main tillers were collected for total RNA isolation, and then performed mRNA-seq by HiSeq 2500 according to Illumina's standard instructions. Paired-end reads were obtained and the raw sequences were further processed to remove adapter pollutions and low quality reads (base quality of more than 50% bases<=5), Clean reads were mapped to the reference genome ( Nipponbare, msu7.0) by Tophat, with no more than two base mismatches allowed in the alignment.