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Accession IconSRP060490

Oryza sativa cultivar:Geetanjali: IC523927 ; Sahabhagidhan: IC560853 Raw sequence reads

Organism Icon Oryza sativa
Sample Icon No Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HiSeq 2000

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Rice is a chilling-sensitive plant and its exposure to low temperature during seedling stage results in slow seedling growth, yellowing, withering, reduced tillering and stunting resulting in low productivity of high yielding but cold susceptible varieties. There are about 15 million hectares of rice fields in 24 different countries under threat from cold weather. Developments of high yielding varieties that are cold stress tolerant are likely to be rapidly adopted by the farmers in the target regions.The project aims to compare transcriptome of seedling stage cold tolerant variety with cold susceptible variety using RNA-seq approach during cold stress and recovery conditions to gain insight into different gene expression that might provide clues to the underlying principle of cold tolerance.In the study, Geetanjali has been identified as tolerant genotype for seedling stage cold stress at 40C, whereas susceptibility of Sahabhagidhan has been confirmed. These two genotypes were used for transcriptome study.
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