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Accession IconSRP057022

Interactions of C4 subtype metabolic activities and transport in maize are revealed through the characterization of dct2 mutants

Organism Icon Zea mays
Sample Icon No Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HiSeq 2000

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We sequenced mRNA from from four segments along a developing 9 day old third maize leaf of WT W22 accession and ZmDCT2 KO (in W22 background - dct2-1::Ac) plants, to identify changes in gene expression in dct2-1::Ac as a response to the loss of ZmDCT2 function. Overall design: The segments were referenced relative to the position of the ligule of leaf 2 as this point represents the source-sink boundary in a wild-type leaf and the transition from shaded leaf tissue to fully light exposed. Segment -4 was isolated at the base of the leaf blade that is photosynthetically inactive, -1, defined as the sink to source transition zone (just below the point of leaf emergence from the whorl), segment +4, from a fully light exposed and photosynthetically active region in the mid-leaf (maturation zone), and +10, the tip of the leaf and the terminally differentiated tissue
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