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Accession IconSRP038755

Expression profile of trace metal element responsive genes in Brassica rapa

Organism Icon Brassica rapa
Sample Icon No Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HiSeq 2000

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Purpose: Zinc deficiency (ZnD) and iron deficiency (FeD), excess Zn (ZnE) and cadmium exposure (CdE) are major environmental problems for crop cultivation. Methods: Applying Tag-Seq technology to leaves of Brassica rapa grown under FeD, ZnD, ZnE or CdE conditions, with normal conditions as a control, we examined global gene expression changes and compared the expression patterns of multiple paralogs. Results: We identified 812, 543, 331 and 447 differentially expressed genes under FeD, ZnD, ZnE and CdE conditions, respectively, in B. rapa leaves.Further analysis revealed that genes associated with Zn, Fe and Cd responses tended to be over-retained in the B. rapa genome. Most of these multiple-copy genes showed the same direction of expression change under stress conditions. Conclusion: We conclude that the duplicated genes involved in trace element responses in B. rapa are functionally redundant, making the regulatory network more complex in B. rapa than in Arabidopsis thaliana. Overall design: In total, there were 15 Digital gene expression libraries, one for each of the three replicates under the four trace metal element treatments and normal nutrient supply conditions as a control.
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