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Accession IconSRP038713

Global expression profiles of the wild-type and overexpression of OsNMD3?NLS transgenic plants

Organism Icon Oryza sativa
Sample Icon No Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HiSeq 2000

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Plants have mechanisms that coordinate protein synthesis and gene transcription, although they operate at different cellular sites. The altered translational efficiency may have a feedback effect on gene expression. To determine the global changes in ribosome biogenesis, we used an Illumina RNA sequencing approach to investigate the global expression profiles of the wild-type,OsNMD3?NLSL1,and OsNMD3?NLSL2 plants.These expression profiles suggested that overexpression of OsNMD3?NLS affected ribosome biogenesis and certain basic pathways, leading to pleotropic abnormalities in plant growth. Overall design: The mRNA profiles of the 2nd internodes of development-matched wild-type and overexpression of OsNMD3?NLS transgenic plants.
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