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Accession IconSRP036640

Sorghum nitrogen stress tolerance

Organism Icon Sorghum bicolor
Sample Icon No Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina Genome Analyzer IIx

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Sorghum is an important cereal crop, which requires large quantities of nitrogen fertilizer for achieving commercial yields. Identification of the genes responsible for low-N tolerance in sorghum will facilitate understanding of the molecular mechanisms of low-N tolerance, and also facilitate the genetic improvement of sorghum through marker-assisted selection or gene transformation. In this study we compared the transcriptomes of root tissues from seven sorghum genotypes having different genetic backgrounds with contrasting low-N tolerance by the RNAseq deep sequencing data. Several genes were found which are common differentially expressed genes between four low-N tolerant sorghum genotypes (San Chi San, China17, KS78 and high-NUE bulk) and three sensitive genotypes (CK60, BTx623 and low-NUE bulk). Overall design: RNAseq deep sequencing
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