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Accession IconSRP035871

Glycine max cultivar:93B15 Transcriptome or Gene expression

Organism Icon Glycine max
Sample Icon No Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HiSeq 2000

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The sustainability of soybean growth is being significantly affected by increases in ozone concentration. Current increases in ozone concentrations have decreased soybean yields by ~15-25%. Furthermore, soybean plants differentiate many more floral buds than survive to mature pods. Studies have found that pod set can be as low as 20-40% under normal conditions. Generally, it is assumed that abortion rates can vary based on location in the canopy, source-sink relationship, hormone levels, shade, water status. However, the genetic controls of flower and pod abscission in soybean are largely unknown, and the effects of ozone on flower and pod abscission have not been thoroughly investigated. Due to the negative effects of ozone on yield, it is of critical importance to understand the genetic control behind soybean abortion. The objective of this study is to understand the gene expression patterns underpinning flower and pod abscission rates in soybean exposed to elevated ozone concentrations.
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