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Accession IconSRP033432

Differential expression of human parthenogenic stem cells, neural stem cells and DA progenitors.

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 9 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HiSeq 2000

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Neural stem cells (NSC) derived from human parthenogenic stem cells (hpSC) have been observed to show stronger positive functional effects than hpSC-derived dopaminergic neuron precursors (DAP) in treatment of induced Parkinson Disease in animal models. RNAseq of the two types of cells were normalized and analyzed to compare gene expression profiles. Overall design: cDNA library of hpsC, NSC and DAP triplicates were sequenced using Illumina HiSeq 2000. The sequence reads were mapped to hg19 reference genome and hits that passed quality filters were analyzed for differential expression.
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