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Accession IconSRP028253

Cultured Capra hircus dermal papilla cell Transcriptome or Gene expression

Organism Icon Capra hircus
Sample Icon No Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HiSeq 2000

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Twelve Cashmere goats pelage skins were sampled during March (telogen phase of the hair growth cycle, contain six individuals) and September (anagen phase of the hair growth cycle, contain six individuals) in 2012. The primary hair follicle during September and the secondary hair follicle during September as well as March of each individuals, respectively, were isolated and the dermal papilla were further microdissected away from the corresponding follicle and subcultured. Therefore, according to the dermal papilla type and growth phase, these cell lines (18 cell lines) can be divided into three groups, the primary hair follicle derived dermal papilla cell during anagen (PHF-DPC-ANAGEN, come from six individuals), the secondary hair follicle derived dermal papilla cell during anagen (SHF-DPC-ANAGEN, come from six individuals same with the PHF-DPC-ANAGEN individuals) and secondary hair follicle derived dermal papilla cell during telogen(SHF-DPC-TELOGEN, come from the other six individuals). Subsequently, the cell lines (the second passage) which came from the same group were quantitatively equally pooled and then subjected to transcriptomes sequencing by using Illumina technology, respectively.
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