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Accession IconSRP010039

MicroRNAome comparison between intramuscular and subcutaneous vascular stem cell adipogenesis

Organism Icon Sus scrofa
Sample Icon 4 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina Genome Analyzer IIx

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We report the application of the Solexa deep sequencing method for high-throughput profiling files of small RNA in primary porcine vascular stem cell adipogenesis.The sequences and relative expression levels of 208 (98.6% in miRbase 16.0) known and 288 potential porcine miRNAs were identified. 50 miRNAs changed in similar pattern between IVSC and SVSC differentiation, such as miR-210, miR-10b and miR-99a. On the contrast, 8 miRNAs changed reversely between IVSC and SVSC differentiation, 16 changed only in IVSC differentiation while 48 only in SVSC differentiation. And 34 miRNAs showed fat-depot specific expression pattern (30 in cells of intramuscular origin and 4 in cells of subcutaneous origin). Unexpectedly but reasonably, these adipogenesis-related miRNAs mainly functioned by targeting similar pathways in adipogenesis, obesity and syndrome. Overall design: Comparison of miRNAome between adipogenesis of 2 primary celltypes
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