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Accession IconGSE9758

Response to estradiol-ERalpha ERE Binding defective mutant

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 12 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array (hgu133plus2)

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In addition to the estrogen responsive element (ERE)-dependent gene expression, E2-ERalpha regulates transcription through functional interactions with transfactors bound to their cognate regulatory elements on DNA, hence the ERE-independent signaling pathway. However, the relative importance of the ERE-independent pathway in E2-ERalpha signaling is unclear. Our studies in infected ER-negative cell models with an ERalpha mutant (ERalpha 203/204/211E) that functions exclusively at the ERE-independent pathway demonstrated that genomic responses assessed by microarrays from the ERE-independent pathway to E2-ERalpha are not sufficient to alter cellular growth, death or motility. These findings suggest that the ERE-dependent pathway is the canonical E2-ERalpha signaling in model cell lines.
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