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Accession IconGSE8702

Longitudinal Analysis of Progression to Androgen Independence

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 16 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array (hgu133plus2)

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Following androgen ablation therapy (AAT), the vast majority of prostate cancer patients develop treatment resistance with a median time of 18-24 months to disease progression. To identify molecular targets that aid in prostate cancer cell survival and contribute to the androgen independent phenotype, we evaluated changes in LNCaP cell gene expression during 12 months of androgen deprivation. At time points reflecting critical growth and phenotypic changes, we performed Affymetrix expression array analysis to examine the effects of androgen deprivation during the acute response, during the period of apparent quiescence, and during the emergence of highly proliferative, androgen-independent prostate cancer cells (LNCaP-AI). We discovered alterations in gene expression for a host of molecules associated with promoting prostate cancer cell growth and survival, regulating cell cycle progression, apoptosis and adrenal androgen metabolism, in addition to AR co-regulators and markers of neuroendocrine disease. These findings illustrate the complexity and unpredictable nature of cancer cell biology and contribute greatly to our understanding of how prostate cancer cells likely survive AAT. The value of this longitudinal approach lies in the ability to examine gene expression changes throughout the cellular response to androgen deprivation; it provides a more dynamic illustration of those genes which contribute to disease progression in addition to specific genes which constitute a malignant androgen-independent phenotype. In conclusion, it is of great importance that we employ new approaches, such as the one proposed here, to continue exploring the cellular mechanisms of therapy resistance and identify promising targets to improve cancer therapeutics.
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