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Accession IconGSE5827

NOTCH1 directly regulates c-MYC and activates a feed-forward-loop transcriptional network promoting leukemic cell growth

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 28 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array (hgu133plus2)

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The NOTCH1 signaling pathway directly links extracellular signals with transcriptional responses in the cell nucleus and plays a critical role during T-cell development and in the pathogenesis over 50% of human T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) cases. However, little is known about the transcriptional programs activated by NOTCH1. Using an integrative systems biology approach we show that NOTCH1 controls a feed-forward loop transcriptional network that promotes cell growth. Inhibition of NOTCH1 signaling in T-ALL cells led to a reduction in cell size and elicited a gene expression signature dominated by downregulated biosynthetic pathway genes. By integrating gene expression array and ChIP-on-chip data, we show that NOTCH1 directly activates multiple biosynthetic routes and induces c-MYC gene expression. Reverse engineering of regulatory networks from expression profiles showed that NOTCH1 and c-MYC govern two directly interconnected transcriptional programs containing common target genes that together regulate the growth of primary T-ALL cells. These results identify c-MYC as an essential mediator of NOTCH1 signaling and integrate NOTCH1 activation with oncogenic signaling pathways upstream of c-MYC.
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