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Accession IconGSE52915

PARVB overexpression increases migration capability and defines high risks for endophytic growth and metastasis in tongue squamous cell carcinoma.

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 27 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array (hgu133plus2)

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Tongue squamous cell carcinoma (TSCC) varies in characteristics even in early stages and is mainly classified into three subtypes, which are superficial, exophytic and endophytic types, based on a macroscopic appearance of tumor growth.Of these subtypes, endophytic tumor has a poorer prognosis because of its invasive feature and higher frequency to have metastasis. To understand a molecular mechanism of endophytic subtype and identify biomarkers, we performed comprehensive microarray analysis for mRNAs from clinical biopsy sampleswhich were classified into subtypes and found overexpression of parvin-beta (PARVB) gene significantly related to endophytic type. PARVB is known to play a critical role in actin reorganization and focal adhesions. Knocking down PARVB expression in vitrocaused apparent decreases in cell migration and wound healing, implying that PARVB has a crucial role in cellular motility. Moreover, metastasis-free survival was significantly lowered in patients with higher PARVB expression. Therefore overexpression of PARVB is a candidate biomarker for endophytic tumor and metastasis and may be clinically applicable for decision making of an adjuvant therapy in TSCC.
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