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Accession IconGSE45642

Circadian patterns of gene expression in the human brain and disruption in major depressive disorder [control set]

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 667 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Human Genome U133A Array (hgu133a)

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A cardinal symptom of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is the disruption of circadian patterns. Yet, to date, there is no direct evidence of circadian clock dysregulation in the brains of MDD patients. Circadian rhythmicity of gene expression has been observed in animals and peripheral human tissues, but its presence and variability in the human brain was difficult to characterize. Here we applied time-of-death analysis to gene expression data from high-quality postmortem brains, examining 24-hour cyclic patterns in six cortical and limbic regions of 55 subjects with no history of psychiatric or neurological illnesses ('Controls') and 34 MDD patients. Our dataset covered ~12,000 transcripts in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), anterior cingulate cortex (AnCg), hippocampus (HC), amygdala (AMY), nucleus accumbens (NAcc) and cerebellum (CB). Several hundred transcripts in each region showed 24-hour cyclic patterns in Controls, and >100 transcripts exhibited consistent rhythmicity and phase-synchrony across regions. Among the top ranked rhythmic genes were the canonical clock genes BMAL1(ARNTL), PER1-2-3, NR1D1(REV-ERB), DBP, BHLHE40(DEC1), and BHLHE41(DEC2). The phasing of known circadian genes was consistent with data derived from other diurnal mammals. Cyclic patterns were much weaker in MDD brains, due to shifted peak timing and potentially disrupted phase relationships between individual circadian genes. This is the first transcriptome-wide analysis of cyclic patterns in the human brain and demonstrates a rhythmic rise and fall of gene expression in regions outside of the suprachiasmatic nucleus in control subjects. The description of its breakdown in MDD suggest novel molecular targets for treatment of mood disorders.
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