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Accession IconGSE40523

Comparing gene expression between PICs and satellite cells from 1 week old muscle

Organism Icon Mus musculus
Sample Icon 6 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array (mouse4302)

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The satellite cell is considered the major tissue-resident stem cell underlying muscle regeneration, however, multiple non-satellite cell myogenic progenitors have been identified. PW1/Peg3 is expressed in satellite cells as well as a subset of interstitial cells with myogenic potential termed PICs (PW1+ Interstitial Cells). PICs differ from satellite cells by their anatomical location (satellite cells are sublaminal and PICs are interstitial), they do not express any myogenic marker and arise from a Pax3-independent lineage. Upon isolation from juvenile muscle (1 to 3 weeks old), PICs are capable to form both skeletal and smooth muscle suggesting they constitute a more plastic population compared to satellite cells. We used microarrays to gain insight into the relantionship between PICs and satellite cells.
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