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Accession IconGSE37222

c-Myc is a universal amplifier of gene expression [Microarray]

Organism Icon Mus musculus
Sample Icon 15 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array (mouse4302)

Submitter Supplied Information

The c-Myc HLH-bZIP protein has been implicated in physiological or pathological growth, proliferation, apoptosis, metabolism and differentiation at the cellular, tissue or organismal levels via regulation of numerous target genes. In part due to the incomplete inventory and functional accounting of Mycs targets, no principle unifies Myc action. To relate the dynamics of Myc-binding with target expression and function in a system where Myc-levels are temporally and physiologically regulated, the transcriptomes and the genome-wide distributions of Myc, RNA polymerase II and chromatin modifications were compared during lymphocyte activation and in ES cells. A remarkably simple rule emerged from this quantitative analysis: Myc is not an on-off switch, but is a non-linear amplifier of expression, acting universally at active genes, except for immediate early genes that are strongly induced before Myc. This rule of Myc action explains the vast majority of Myc biology observed in literature.
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