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Accession IconGSE33808

Expression data from Ezh2-null leukemic cells

Organism Icon Mus musculus
Sample Icon 4 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array (mouse4302)

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The polycomb group (PcG) proteins function in gene silencing through histone modifications. They form chromatin-associated multiprotein complexes, termed polycomb repressive complex (PRC) 1 and PRC2. These two complexes work in a coordinated manner in the maintenance of cellular memories through transcriptional repression of target genes. EZH2 is a catalytic component of PRC2 and trimethylates histone H3 at lysine 27 to transcriptionally repress the target genes. PcG proteins have been characterized as general regulators of stem cells, but recent works also unveiled their critical roles in cancer.
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