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Accession IconGSE23114

Cell cyclin kinase inhibitor Cdkn2c regulates B cell homeostasis and function in the NZM2410-derived murine lupus susceptibility locus Sle2c1

Organism Icon Mus musculus
Sample Icon 16 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array (mouse4302)

Submitter Supplied Information

Sle2c1 is an NZM2410-derived lupus susceptibility locus that induces an expansion of the B1a cell compartment. B1a cells have a repertoire enriched for autoreactivity, and an expansion of this B cell subset occurs in several mouse models of lupus. Here we showed that expression of Sle2c1 enhances NZB cellular phenotypes that have been associated with autoimmune pathogenesis. A combination of genetic mapping and candidate gene analysis presents Cdkn2c, a gene encoding for cyclin kinase inhibitor p18INK4c (p18), as the top candidate gene for inducing the Slec2c1 associated expansion of B1a cells. A novel SNP in the Cdkn2c promoter is associated with a significantly reduced Cdkn2c expression in the splenic B cells and B1a cells from Sle2c1-carrying mice, which leads to defective G1 cell cycle arrest in splenic B cells and increased proliferation of Pc B1a cells. As cell cycle is differentially regulated in B1a and B2 cells, these results suggest that Cdkn2c play a critical role in B1a cell self renewal, and that its impaired expression leads to an accumulation of these cells with high autoreactive potential.
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