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Accession IconGSE22616

Gene expression in the Efferent duct, Epididymis, and Vas deferens during Embryonic Development

Organism Icon Mus musculus
Sample Icon 24 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array (mouse4302)

Submitter Supplied Information

The tissues of the male reproductive tract are characterized by distinct morphologies, ranging from highly coiled to un-coiled. Global gene expression profiles of the efferent ducts, epididymis, and vas deferens were generated from embryonic day 14.5 to postnatal day 1, the period when gross morphological changes are initiated and tissue-specific morphologies emerge. Expression profiles of homeobox genes, as potential regionalization factors, were examined. Tissue transcriptome comparison identified two expression profiles of interest: genes similar between the epididymis and vas deferens early in development but dissimilar later and genes dissimilar between the epididymis and efferent duct early but similar later. Ontology analysis demonstrated cell adhesion-associated genes to be highly enriched in both comparisons. This work identified several potential regulators of cell adhesion along the tract and indicates cell adhesion may be modulated in a tissue-specific manner, playing an important role in the establishment of each tissues final morphology.
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