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Accession IconGSE18907

Gene expression profiling of pregnant and virgin mouse lung and liver

Organism Icon Mus musculus
Sample Icon 12 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array (mouse4302)

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Metastasis depends on the ability of tumor cells to establish a relationship with the newly seeded host tissue that is conducive to their survival and proliferation. Recent evidence suggests that tumor cells regulate their own dissemination by preparing permissive metastatic niches within host tissues. However, the factors that are implicated in rendering tissues permissive for metastatic tumor growth have yet to be fully elucidated. Breast tumors arising during pregnancy display highly aggressive behaviour and early metastatic proclivity, raising the possibility that pregnancy may constitute a physiological condition of permissiveness for tumor dissemination. We show that during murine gestation, both the rate and degree of metastatic tumor growth are enhanced irrespective of tumor type and that decreased natural killer (NK) cell activity is responsible for the observed increase in experimental metastasis. We identify gene expression changes in pregnant mouse lung and liver that bear striking similarity with reported pre-metastatic niche signatures and several of the up-regulated genes are indicative of myeloid-cell infiltration. We provide evidence, that CD11b+ Gr-1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells accumulate in pregnant mice and exert an inhibitory effect on NK cell activity, thereby enhancing metastatic tumor growth. MDSC have never been evoked in the context of pregnancy and our observations suggest that they may represent a further shared mechanism of immune suppression occurring during gestation and tumor growth.
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