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Accession IconGSE14802

Long-range expression effects of CNV: insights from Smith-Magenis and Potocki-Lupski syndrome mouse model

Organism Icon Mus musculus
Sample Icon 61 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array (mouse4302)

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To study the effect of structural changes on expression, we assessed gene expression in genomic disorder mouse models. Both a microdeletion and its reciprocal microduplication mapping to mouse chromosome 11 (MMU11), which model the rearrangements present in Smith-Magenis (SMS) and Potocki-Lupski (PTLS) syndromes patients, respectively, have been engineered. We profiled the transcriptome of five different tissues affected in human patients in mice with 1n (Deletion/+), 2n (+/+), 3n (Duplication/+) and uniallelic 2n (Deletion/Duplication) copies of the same region in an identical genetic background. The most differentially expressed transcripts between the four studied genotypes were ranked. A highly significant propensity, are mapping to the engineered SMS/PTLS interval in the different tissues. A statistically significant overrepresentation of the genes mapping to the flanks of the engineered interval was also found in the top-ranked differentially expressed genes. A phenomenon efficient across multiple cell lineages and that extends along the entire length of the chromosome, tens of megabases from the breakpoints. These long-range effects are unidirectional and uncoupled from the number of copies of the copy number variation (CNV) genes. Thus, our results suggest that the assortment of genes mapping to a chromosome is not random. They also indicate that a structural change at a given position of the human genome may cause the same perturbation in particular pathways regardless of gene dosage. An issue that should be considered in appreciating the contribution of this class of variation to phenotypic features.
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