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Accession IconERP105123

Comparative omics and feeding manipulations in chicken indicate a shift of the endocrine role of visceral fat towards reproduction

Organism Icon Gallus gallus
Sample Icon No Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HiSeq 2500, Illumina HiSeq 2000

Submitter Supplied Information

Broilers and layer hens, grown up to sexual maturation under free-feeding conditions, differed 4.0-fold in weight and 1.6-fold in ovarian-follicle counts, yet the relative accumulation of visceral fat was comparable. RNA-seq and mass-spectrometry (MS) analyses of visceral fat revealed differentially expressed genes between broilers and layers, 1,106 at the mRNA level (FDR≤0.05), and 203 at the protein level (P≤0.05). Total RNA was prepared using a RNA isolation kit (miRNeasy, Qiagen). Libraries of cDNA were prepared by the Uppsala sequencing platform from 1 µg RNA using the TruSeq Stranded mRNA Sample Preparation Kit (Illumina Inc, #15031047 Rev E). The libraries were uniquely tagged and sequenced with Illumina HiSeq, producing about 64 million paired-end reads (2 x 124 bp) in two technical replicates, per library
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