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Accession IconERP016243

Human Developmental Biology Resource (HDBR) expression resource-RNAseq

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon No Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HiSeq 2000

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"The Human Developmental Biology Resource (HDBR) expression resource is a new resource for studying prenatal human brain development. It consists of two parts which have been uploaded as two submissions: HDBR expression resource- RNAseq (E-MTAB-4840, this submission) and HDBR expression resource- SNP data (E-MTAB-4843). It is unique in the age range (4 post conception weeks [PCW] to 17PCW) and number of brains studied, particularly those under 8PCW. It is also unique in that both the large-scale data sets and the corresponding RNA and DNA samples are available, the latter via the MRC-Wellcome Trust Human Developmental Biology Resource (HDBR; There are 628 RNA-seq datasets from different regions of the brains studied. The number of regions depends on the stage and size of the sample and/or the tissue available. Embryos (4-8PCW) have been staged using a modified Carnegie staging system, details can be found at All the RNAseq datasets from the same brain have the same embryo/fetus number (e.g. RNAseq datasets HDBR251-HDBR254 are from different tissues from embryo number 1406). The embryo/fetus ID number is recorded in the “individual” column. The majority of the brains studied are between 4 and 12PCW. During this time the major brain regions are established and there are the early stages of cortex development. DNA was prepared from all the tissues used for RNA-seq analysis and SNP genotype data generated from one tissue from each brain. RNA-seq data and SNP-data from the same tissue and brain have the same name (e.g. HDBR469). There are also SNP genotype data from 229 additional specimens in paraffin wax blocks available for individual gene expression studies. These data are in the accompanying ""HDBR expression resource- SNP data"" (E-MTAB-4843). "
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