We analyzed transcriptome in the whole plant body of Oryza rufipogon W0106 using mRNA-seq. Wild rice O. rufipogon W0106 was cultured after protocols from Oryzabase ( Seeds of O. rufipogon W1943 were treated at 45 C for 10 days for breaking dormancy. Then the seeds were dehulled and steriled with a fungicidal reagents. Young seedlings were then grown for a week on a moist filter paper in petri dishes in a growth incubator (partial shade). Total plants were flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80 C until they were used. Total RNAs were prepared from the whole plants with RNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA USA). Total RNAs were then processed with mRNA-seq Kit for producing cDNA libraries for short-read sequencing at Illumina Inc. (Hayward, CA USA) none provided